Publications & Research
Academic publications
Estudillo, B., Forteza, F. J., and Carretero-Gómez, J. M., (2025). "Effectiveness of training in reducing accidents in construction companies". Journal of Safety Research, 92: 283-291. (Open access).
Estudillo, B., Carretero-Gómez, J. M., and Forteza, F. J., (2024). "The Impact of Occupational Accidents on Economic Performance: Evidence from the Construction". Safety Science, 177 September (106571): 1-10. (Open access).
Estudillo, B., Forteza, F.J., Carretero-Gómez, J.M., and Rejón-Guardia, F. (2023). "The Role of Organizational Factors in Promoting Workers' Health in the Construction Sector: A Comprehensive Analysis". Journal of Safety Research, 88:41-55. (Open access).
Carretero-Gómez, J. M., Forteza, F. J., and Estudillo, B. (2023). “Linking occupational accidents and construction firm survival”. Journal of Safety Research, 85: 485-491. (Open access).
Forteza, F. J., Carretero- Gómez, J. M., and Sesé, A. (2022). "Organizational factors and specific risks on construction sites". Journal of Safety Research, 81: 270-282. (Open access).
Swuste, P., Galera, A., Wassenhove, W. van , Carretero-Gómez, J. M., Arezes, P., Kivistö-Rahnasto, J., Forteza, F., Motet, G., Reniers, K., Bergmans, A., Wenham, D. and Broeke, C. van den, (2021). “Quality assessment of postgraduate safety education programs, current developments with examples of ten (post)graduate safety courses in Europe”. Safety Science, 141 (105338): 1-11.
Forteza, F. J., Carretero-Gómez, J. M., and Sesé, A., (2020). “Safety in the construction industry: accidents and precursors”. Revista de la Construcción, 9(2): 271-281.
Carretero-Gómez, J. M., Forteza, F. J. and Estudillo, B. (2020). “The Relationship Between Company Survival, Site Risk and Accidents in Construction Industry”. P. M. Areces and R. L. Boring (Eds.), Advances in Safety Management and Human Performance (AHFE 2020), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1204: 104-110.
Forteza, F. J., Carretero-Gómez, J. M., and Sesé, A., (2017). "Effects of organizational complexity and resources on construction site risk". Journal of Safety Research, 62: 185-198.
Forteza, F. J., Carretero-Gómez, J. M., and Sesé, A., (2017). "Occupational risks, accidents on sites and economic performance of construction firms". Safety Science, 94: 61-76.
Forteza, F. J., Sesé, A. and Carretero-Gómez, J. M., (2016). "CONSRAT. Construction sites risk assessment tool". Safety Science, 89: 338-354. (The paper was prized at ORP 2015)
Alonso Paulí, E. y Carretero Gómez, J. M., (2013). "Sistemas integrados de gestión de calidad y medio ambiente: evidencia empírica en la industria española". Cuadernos Económicos del ICE, 86: 77-106.
Carretero-Gómez, J. M. and Cabrera, E. F. (2012). “An Empirical Evaluation of Training Using Multi-attribute Utility Analysis”. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27 (12): 223-241.
Carretero-Gómez, J. M., (2009). “Utility Analysis of HRM Effectiveness”. Torres-Coronas, T. & Arias-Olivas, M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM. IGI-Global: 898-909. ISBN 978-1-59904-883-3.
Cabrera, E. F. and Carretero-Gómez, J. M., (2005). "Human Resource Management in Spain: Are Cultural Barriers Preventing the Adoption of Global Practices?” Management Research, 3 (2): 149-160.
Carretero-Gómez, J. M., (1996). "La Distribución de Ingreso y el Crecimiento Económico: Teorías y Evidencia Empírica”, Cuaderno de Estudios: E.A.C., n. 2: 125-140. ISBN 956-19-0228-1.
Work in Progress
​Forteza, F. J., Estudillo, B., Segarra, M. and Carretero-Gómez, J. M.. "Evaluación de la calidad y la eficacia preventiva de los estudios y planes de seguridad en obras de construcción".
Carretero-Gómez, J. M., and Forteza, F. J., (2017). "The Relationship Among Organizational Survival, Site Risk and Accidents in Construction Sector". Working Paper available at SSRN: